Kolekcija pomlad/poletje 2022

Kolekcija pomlad/poletje 2022

Renata v pomladni kolekciji uporabi svetle barve in cvetlične vzorce. S pleteninami dopolni kolekcijo v mehke silhuete. Pleteni puloverji imajo obliko sončnega pliseja, po obliki delujejo monumentalno, a zaradi izbire materiala v bombažu in svili delujejo prijetno in mehko padajoče. Pletene jope so dopolnjene s svetlečimi linijami in možnostjo draperija. S tem elementom pridobi jopa večjo uporabno vrednost.

 Materiali so naravni, modeli ohlapni a ženstveni. Kolekcija je namenjena ženskam katere prisegajo na udobnost, pridih svežine, večstranskost in s tem zavedanja trajnosti.

Renata uses bright colors and floral patterns in the spring collection. She complements the collection with soft silhouettes with knitwear. Knitted sweaters have the shape of a sunny pleat, they look monumental in shape, but due to the choice of material of cotton and silk, they look pleasant and soft-falling. Knitted jackets are complemented by luminous lines and the possibility of drapery. With this element, the cardigan acquires greater useful value.
The materials are natural, the models are loose but feminine. The collection is intended for women who swear by comfort, a touch of freshness, versatility and are thus aware of sustainability.